Submitted by Jan Parsons Armstrong ( Thu Sep 30 1999
"This is not a query. This is something I found in an old box and I want to
share it with whoever can use it. Ver batim as follows:"
Compliments of the Alexandria Fire Department to [written in] MISS LOUISA KEMP
and sisters and they solicit the pleasure of your company at their GRAND BALL
to be given at the Exchange Ball Room on Tuesday evening 23 April 1878.
Committee of Arrangements: SAM FELLOWS, Chairman, DAN'L GEHR, R.C. ROGERS, THOS. CRAWLY, BEN WEIL Invitation Committee: HENRY L. BIOSSAT, Chairman, FRED SHEU, F. BOUILLOTTE, JACOB LEVY Reception Committee: SOLOMON MAYER, Chairman, J. H. RANSDELL, C. WALKLING, A. WEINBURG Floor Managers: BEN H. DeSOLA, Chairman, HENRY HEYMAN, J. P. GROGAN, JOHN GRAHAM |