Rapides Parish, Louisiana
Posted Queries for November 1997 thru January 1998
posted by
Houston Tracy, Jr.
on Thursday, November 13, 1997
Silas CAMPBELL b ca 1790 SC died in Rapides Parish before 1870 census taken. Married, likely in Rapides Parish, LA to Mary HANES b ca 1803 MS Territory d before 1850 census was taken, dau. of John Peter HANES and Martha DRENNAN. Silas & Mary had 3 known children: 1) Mary A. b 5 Dec 1827 LA d 19 May 1899 buried Campbell Cemetery at Ruby, La. Married Benjamin H. SCROGGS ca 1849. 2) Henry Elisha b 13 Sep 1832 LA d 7 May 1895 buried Campbell Cem. Married Bertha Margaret WHITE ca 1845. 3) Martha Maletha b ca 1835 LA d unknown. Married Timothy NICHOLS 28 Dec 1842 in Avoyelles Parish, LA. Does anyone: Know Silas' parentage/ancestry ? Where he came from in SC ? Know about their descendants ? Will share what I know in exchange for same !
posted by
Gloria Walker
on Friday, November 28, 1997
MORASSES family - Seeking others that are researching the MORASSES family who lived in Rapides Parish during the 1880 Cenus. Specifically looking for the parents of Joseph MORASSES b. Apr 1874 married on Jun 20, 1893 in Avoyelles Parish to Rosa BORDELON and he died between 1909 - 1913.
posted by
Jennifer Hammack
on Sunday, November 30, 1997
Name of person: HILMAN, loyce or HILMAN, m. l. Birthdate: 1922, 1923, or 1924 Last known location: Alexandria, Louisiana in 1945; Rapides Parish Person's children: Rita Hilman Boudreaux Hammack Specific questions: Any record or his death or is he still living? Any records of marriages or other children? Where is he living now?
posted by
Doyle T. Brittain
on Thursday, December 25, 1997
Marshall C. BARBEE was; b. 1824 in North Carolina; d. March 23, 1882 in Sabine or Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana; m. Hannah HUGHITT Abt. 1843 and Amanda MILLER August 20, 1860. Desire to correspond with relatives of Marshall C. BARBEE living in Sabine Parish, Natchitoches Parish, and Rapides Parish, Louisiana.
posted by
Marge Stockton
on Thursday, January 1, 1998
HATHAWAY, Haywood A. E. b. ~1853, Helena, AR m. Eliza ANDERS, ~1872, Forksville, LA d. ~1921, Forest Hill, LA Many children born in Hineston & Lecompte, Rapides Parish. Searching for info on parents, siblings ANDERS, Eliza (Elisa?) b. ~1855, Forksville, LA m. Haywood HATHAWAY ~1872, Forksville, LA Children born in Hineston & Lecompte, Rapides Parish. Death info unknown. Searching for info on parents, siblings Any information greatly appreciated. I use spouse's email address: genestockton@cheerful.com. Thanks. Marge Stockton
posted by
Mary Lane
on Friday, January 2, 1998
William Ransom ASHMORE md. Elizabeth WILLIAMS in Rapides Parish, LA on 17 Nov. 1873. Sarah Caroline ASHMORE md. John SELF 16 Dec 1870 Rapides Parish LA. Any information on these families will be appreciated and will exchange data.
posted by
Robert L. King
on Tuesday, January 6, 1998
CROSS, Henry was married at one time to Mary Virginia DAVIS ed any thing on him. He was my grandfather. His siblings children. or his father and mother. KING decendenst or ansestors of Bejamin Franklin KING or of his siblings. DAVIS, Jefferson Beauregard or any of his kin. Thank you very much.
posted by
Richard Strother
on Monday, January 12, 1998
Looking for any info on William STROTHER (b)18 Jul 1849, Osborn LA (d) 18 Aug 1932. He is buried in the Blue Branch Cemetery,Pitkin,LA. He was first married to a Mary STANLEY and had one child. Did she go to Jasper, TX? His second wife I believe was a Winna (Droddy) MCDANIEL from Jasper,TX. I understand they had a large family. The children married into some of these families: LAIRD, DOYLE, HATCH, PERKINS, MANCIL. Does anyone know anything about this STROTHER family who lived around the Osborn area. I believe they took in a child whose name was Appelonia. Who was she?
posted by
Anna Lee Anderson
on Thursday, January 15, 1998
Lena ANDRUS b 24 Dec 1899, Rapides LA. her parents, Alva Martin ANDRUS & Laura Maude COOK. They are buried Big Cane, St. Landry LA. Have m of Lena to Wm Winfrey ANDERSON & on down. Any connections?? Glad to share.
posted by
David Williams
on Saturday, January 17, 1998
I am looking for information on Asa Duncan KEEN. He appears on the Census Records in Rapides Parish LA in 1920. He worked for the railroad. I would like to know where he is buried and if he has family still around. I am descended from his sister Emma Jane KEEN. The name is sometimes spelled KEENE.
posted by
E. W. Hendon
on Monday, January 19, 1998
I am researching the DAVID Family of Louisiana: Pierre DAVIDE b. 1750-1780 France married Marie ANDRON Jean DAVID b. 1802 France d. Louisiana married Sarah Anne BRADLEY b. 1822 Tenn. d. 1910 Andrew DAVID b. 1842 Pineville, Louisiana d. 1902 Pineville, married Ann Bryan HYMAN b. 1850 Louisiana d. 1882 Robert A. DAVID b. abt. 1875 Pineville, Louisiana married Cora (Senna) LAWRENCE b. abt. 1880 Louisiana Many of the DAVID descendants moved to Texas in the 1930's. Any assistance appreciated.
posted by
Kaye Hancock
on Thursday, January 22, 1998
I am searching for the marriage record for Jacob PERKINS b.1815 in LA. and Mary MARICLE, Mancil, Markle b. 1819 in LA. They were married around 1838 in the Alexandria area, I think. He was the son of Jordan PERKINS b.1794. I also need information on the Jordan PERKINS family.
Mrs Kaye Hancock, 1004 Maple St., Ruston, LA 71270
posted by
Laura Wright
on Tuesday, January 27, 1998
I am looking for information on FLOWERS. This family ran a boarding house in Alexandra about 1900. First names I am interested in include, William (b. about 1875-80), Otto, Ennis, Dempsey Pendleton, and Elaine (all b. between 1901 & 1920). Please let me know if you've found this family in Rapides Parish. Thanks.
posted by
Don Stevens
on Wednesday, January 28, 1998
Researching the Giles C. SMITH family of Alexandria. 1850 census shows; Smith, Giles C. age 31, Brick Mason, born Ireland Elizabeth, age 31 born Ireland Mary, age 10, born Ireland Catherine, age 7 born Ireland Walter, age 5/12 born Louisiana Catherine later married Warren Otis DAMMON of Alnay Maine. Their son James Warren Dammon married Carrie Francis WALKER. Resided 806 Main St Pineville.
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