Rapides Parish, Louisiana
Posted Queries for March thru July 2005
posted by
Jocelyn Williams
on Saturday, March 12, 2005
Hello, I am tring to find information in regards to my Grandmother- Would anyone have any information about GRIMBLES and COLLINS. My Grandmother's maiden name was COLLINS her mother's name was Harriet Collins, and her father's name was Jeff Grimble-(Jeff Grimbles father was named Tom Grimble). Please any information would be such a Blessing to my family.
posted by
Fred Alpers
on Monday, March 21, 2005
MCWATERS and FLINT: Hi, everyone. I am looking for any and all information concerning the Mcwaters and Flint families during the 1800's, and also information about the Lunenburg Plantation on Bayou Boeuf. My g-g-g-grandfather was J.A. MCWATERS. He was married to Martha Elizabeth FLINT, and at one time they were the owners of Lunenburg. During the civil war, J.A. MCWATERS was a Lieutenant Colonel in the 2nd LA. Regiment, and was killed on January 14, 1863, defending the gunboat "Cotton" on Bayou Teche. A son, James Flint MCWATERS, migrated to Texas either during or right after the war. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
posted by
Diana Stevens
on Friday, April 1, 2005
Would like to connect with anyone interested in PILGRIM family. Martha Alice Hays Pilgrim died about 1929 near Pineville and Dryprone. She was married to Ezekial Wyatt Pilgrim. Children were Eugene Everitt, Vincent Wyatt, Lourena Edna, Leanord Alonzo,Levada, Geneva, and Lawrence Hays Pilgrim.
posted by
Margaret Conn Taylor
on Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Searching for Clarinda griffin MOFFETT. Born 1850 Died 1907
posted by
Chloe Anthis
on Tuesday, April 19, 2005
I am looking for info on a man named James WALLACE that was born in Rapides Parrish around 1821. I've traced him from Rapides to Lafette Ark. I'm looking for his parents names. I;m at a dead end. please help. Thanks!
posted by
Donna Parker
on Sunday, April 24, 2005
BIOSSAT, MARSH, BONIOL, HOLBROOK, TORBETT, TRONCHIN I am looking for information on any of these names in Rapides Parish, LA. I do have some information but would appreciate anyone willing to share information. I am willing to share any information that I do have.
posted by
Susan Hill Husij
on Saturday, May 14, 2005
Seeking information on Peter C. DUMONT and his wife, Francis A., who were listed on the 1850 census in Rapides Parish. I'm just beginning to research this family and would appreciate any help.
posted by
Cindy Cobb Smiley
on Saturday, June 11, 2005
We are seeking information regarding the Ellis James COBB family of Pineville, LA. We are particulary looking for Edna Cobb DANNENBERG, who was Ellis James' only daughter. I am from the family line of Tyrus Ellis Cobb (Edna's brother)and anyone having any information about Edna Cobb Dannenberg or of the Ellis James Cobb family please contact me. We are working on the family tree that goes back to 1700 regarding our family. Thanks! Cindy Cobb Smiley
posted by
on Saturday, July 16, 2005
I am looking for information on a William Henry ELLIS born july 12 1882 in forest hill rapides louisianna. He died in texas. He was a methodist preacher.
posted by
Phyllis Seelye
on Saturday, July 23, 2005
My grandmother, Eula BODINE was born in Boyce City June 1890. She was the daughter of Robert Thomas BODINE & Emma Phillips. They had been living in Marshall, Texas the year before and a younger daughter was born then. It seems they only were in Boyce City for one year then moved back to Marshall and 2 more daughters were born. Anyone have any information on this family? Would love to know if there is a birth certificate for Eula?
posted by
on Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Seeking information on John Levin Knox CONNELLA, born abt 1840. His wife, Jessie Bruce Edgar CONNELLA, is buried in Old Rapides Cemetery along with one of his sons, Walter Scott Connella, and two of his daughters, Louise Connella and Maud Connella WRIGHT. No sign of JL's grave. We are seeking specifics as to the year of his death, whether he still lived near Alexandria at the time of his death, and most importantly, where he might be buried. He lived many years in Ouachita Parish, but moved to Rapides Parish (lived on the Red River). He was living in Caldwell Parish (Columbia) at the time of Jessie's death in 1901, and reportedly moved back to Alexandria a few years later. He was still living there by 1915 when his brother, Charles Allison Connella, was murdered in Ouachita Parish (West Monroe). Thanks for any help!
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