Rapides Parish, Louisiana
Posted Queries for December 2003 thru January 2004
posted by
Mary Cyrus
on Sunday, December 7, 2003
My Grandfather was Roy Louis BUNCH of Sulpur,Louisiana.In this site, in the 1870 Cenus, there is listed a James BUNCH and family. Does anyone have information on them? I know that before the civil War, John J. BUNCH (my GGG Grandfather(born April 19, 1841) moved to Rapids Parish with his family, but I am having trouble finding information on them. Can someone help? Thanks in advance!
posted by
Mary Cyrus
on Sunday, December 7, 2003
My Grandfather was Roy Louis BUNCH of Sulpur,Louisiana.In this site, in the 1870 Cenus, there is listed a James BUNCH and family. Does anyone have information on them? I know that before the civil War, John J. BUNCH (my ggg Grandfather(born April 19, 1841) moved to Rapids Parish with his family, but I am having trouble finding information on them. Can someone help?
posted by
Pat R Gilbert
on Thursday, December 11, 2003
I wish to list my husband's family on the web page. The family was George WASHINGTON and Sarah Jane VARNER GARVEY GILBERT. They were on the 1850 census of Rapides Parish but by 1860 had moved to Polk County, TX where a lot of the LA people seem to have gone. I understand that records were burned during the civil war so have not been able to secure marriage info or anything else. They were Methodist and was wondering if there might be Methodist churches that would have records from that period. The 1850 census shows them with 5 GARVEY children and a GILBERT child that is 4 months old so am assuming they probably married in 1849. If you have any info that would help me I certainly would appreciate.
posted by
Amanda LeDoux
on Saturday, December 13, 2003
I am seeking information on great-great-great grandfather Solomon BONNER who married Ann ANDERSON in 1821 in Rapides Parish. Does anyone know what happened to him and who his father was? His widow married John EADS in the 1840's in Arkansas and EADES became the guardian for Solomon's and Ann's son, Henry J. BONNER.
posted by
Amanda LeDoux
on Saturday, December 13, 2003
I am seeking information on great-great-great grandfather Solomon BONNER who married Ann Anderson in 1821 in Rapides Parish. Does anyone know what happened to him and who his father was? His widow married John EADS in the 1840's in Arkansas and Eades became the guardian for Solomon's and Ann's son, Henry J. BONNER.
posted by
Melonie Lambdin Saffery
on Thursday, January 1, 2004
I am searching for relatives of my grandmother Carrie Coulon LAMBDIN - mother Laura STEPPES, father Pierre COULON. Carrie married William H. LAMBDIN. Carrie and "Mr. Bill" lived in Alexandria until their deaths.Any information on STEPPES/COULON would be great.
posted by
Dalena McGee
on Thursday, January 8, 2004
I am researching Dolzy MCGEE md. to Adosia R. REED, and my grandfather, Cleveland Clemen MCGEE md. to Jessie Mae WILLIS then Grace of Alexandria. Any information would be helpful.
posted by
Eldora Johnson
on Monday, January 12, 2004
I am looking for the parents of Samuel Martin PETERS m. Eliza Jane COLE. They married Sept, 1880. He was born in Caccasieu, La. Elizer Jane b 1867, St. Landry Parish. Any help would be appreciated.
posted by
on Saturday, January 17, 2004
Looking for information on the PHILLIPS family living in the Forest Hill area around 1920 Wife: Bessie, Children: Mary and Edna. It is said he died while on the train going to MS.
posted by
on Saturday, January 17, 2004
Looking for information on the PHILLIPS family living in the Forest Hill area around 1920 Wife: Bessie, Children: Mary and Edna. It is said he died while on the train going to MS.
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